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Historical breakthrough! Shandong Energy Group won the 2023 Shandong 2024 European Cup Live BettingProvincial Science and Technology Progress Award Special Award

Author: Li Jing  Zhou Gang  Li Zhen    Release Date: May 16, 2024

Recent,The Shandong Provincial Government announced the "Decision on the Shandong 2024 European Cup Live BettingProvincial Science and Technology Reward in 2023",Directed by Shandong Energy Group、The "Deep Coal Sea Intelligent Elimination Key Technology and High -end Equipment R & D and Application" project completed by Yankuang Energy Group and other units,won the award of the provincial government's scientific and technological progress and other awards,The only one in the province。At the same time,Shandong Energy Group's ownership Euro 2024 qualifying resultsunits led、6 results participated in the completion of the first prize of the first prize of the technical invention、1 first prize of scientific and technological progress、The second prize of scientific and technological progress、1 second prize of technical invention。Shandong Energy Group creates the best level in the number and level of the provincial government's scientific and technological awards。

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Shandong Energy Group as an important pillar leader,Facing the major strategic needs of national deep coal safety and intelligent green development,Actively practicing General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Entering European Cup football resultsthe Earth to the Earth" call,After more than 10 years of research and development research,Autonomous complete "deep coal seam intelligent mining key technology and high -end equipment R & D and application" results。With the academician workstation and Taishan Industrial Leading Team as the core,Successfully developing and applying the world's first set 7 meters、8.2 meters of ultra -large high -profile high comprehensive mining equipment,For the first time in the world, the practice of intelligent comprehensive mining in the deep coal seam,Leading the development of world 2024 European Cup Betting Entrancemining technology and equipment,Realizing major breakthroughs and technological progress in the field of resource development and utilization,greatly improved the high -level independent self -strong ability and international influence of scientific and technological innovation in the energy field of my country's energy field。

In recent years,Shandong Energy Group Focus on the leading industry,Focus on building a "big platform、Big project、Great cooperation、Big input、Large output "five -in -one original technology innovation system,Cumulative R & Betting on Euro 2024D investment 20.3 billion yuan,Continuous innovation breakthrough in core technology leaders,Newly authorized patent 5740 pieces,Lead or participate in the drafting 60 national standards,Realized a new leap from technology and running to standards,To ensure energy security、Promoting the high -quality development of the enterprise injected strong kinetic energy。

Next step,Shandong Energy Group will continue to uphold "Innovation Empowerment、Technology Strong Enterprise "concept,Global cutting -edge technology in the anchor industry,Emancipating European Cup football resultsthe mind、overcome difficulties、By the moment,Yong climbing innovation peak、Create a technology highland,Promote technological innovation with greater efforts,Gathering to create new productive forces,To promote green low -carbon high -quality development、Construction of clean energy suppliers and world -class enterprises with inexhaustible power and strong support。